Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Fun

Today was such a fun day!  Lindsay and Kete came down from Utah to visit for thanksgiving so I had the whole fam over for dinner.  Grandma, Grandma, Lin and Kete came to my ward  ( it was so nice to have the help during Church, I was actually able to stay in the chapel the whole time)  Then everyone came back to my house to hang out until the rest of the clan came over for dinner. It was so much fun.   I love Family!!  ( We missed you BJ Min Toby Ann Jamie and Steve+ kids!  We wish you could have been here!)


The Burtons said...

Tai, I didn't know you were doing church as a single mom! Amanda told me. Geez girl. I am doing it too. Isn't it the hardest thing ever?! It wasn't so bad with one or two kids, but it's impossible with three. I was almost to the point of begging Paul to quit, but then the economy tanked. I guess we'll just have to survive somehow! Good luck and have a great Thanksgiving!