Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Logan's Graduation!!!

Logan had his Kindergarten Graduation today. They had little diplomas and everything!!! It really was a lot of fun. I cant believe that my little boy is growing up so fast. Makes me want to cry a little!!! He is such a good boy, and he is so smart. After they handed out the diplomas, they gave certificate awards to the best reader, best writer,best character, and best at math. Then they gave out two medals, one for the overall best reader and one for the overall best writer in each class. Logan got the overall best writer in his class. One of 6 medals given out to all of the Kinders! I am so proud of him...and he was very excited.

FYI....My camera doesnt take good pictures from far away, which is why this picture is so blurry. Logans class did a skit, and Logan was one of the strawberries. Before the Graduation family picture....I love timers on cameras.

Logan with his diploma, and his "Gold Medal"


Lissa said...

Congratulaions, Logan! Your first graduation of hopefully many! =)