Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween!!! this picture isn't a Halloween picture, but I had to post it! This is Rai's Christmas dress and I made it!!! I know! Isn't it cute??! I will say that the tulle was VERY hard to work with but the dress turned out so great it didn't even matter! I am working on Jocy's matching dress now, and Lissa is refusing to help I have had to do and re-do almost everyhing I sew. I closed up the sleeve seam ( both of them) before I even put the sleeves on. That was a big pain to rip out! I guess that is one way to never make the same mistakes again!

This is Jocy's favorite cupboard in the whole house...Its where all the food is!

Happy Halloween!! We went trick or treating in Lissa and David's neighborhood this year for Halloween ( since.. you know... we live there and all!) It seems to me that Halloween is kind of going by the way side. We walked around the whole neighborhood, and there were only about 4-5 houses on each street that were handing out candy to the kids. Luckily we got a really good walk out of it and the kids still got a lot of candy. They had a lot of fun! Rai, Jocy and I dressed up like witches. I think this is the first year I have dressed up since I have been married! Zach went as a Paramedic ( original I know). We realized that Logans only dress costume that I left unpacked for him was WAY to we had to improvise on his costume. David cut jagged sleeves on Logans pajama shirt and Jagged bottoms on his sweat pants to make a pirate costume. Lissa had a pirate hat that he used...which was good because I don't know that anyone would have known what he was with out it!! Logan LOVED his costume and that is all that matters!

The three witches!


Unknown said...

So cute! You girls are just beautiful.

Lissa said...

Halloween was so fun with you guys here! I can't wait for the "real" holidays! We're gonna have so much fun making treats and decorating my house! Yea! =)

The Burtons said...

You guys all look so cute! Our neighborhood didn't have very many houses either. What's up with people?!!!! Good job on the dress! I can't believe it. I am not very good with a sewing machine. You might have to teach me when you get up here. I can't wait to see Mindy's pictures. She is sooooo good!

McDougal Family said...

Cute!! I love that you all three were witches together! Fun! There weren't a lot of people home giving out candy around here either. Wierd!
Rae's Christmas dress?... So pretty!!! I wish I had a girl to dress up all pretty for holidays!:)