Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Church is TRUE!!!

Every week I toy with the idea of not going to church.  As most of you know, Zach can rarely go to church because of his work/school/clinical schedule....this of course makes it so I am pretty much a single mom taking 3 kids with me to church.  It is definately not fun.  I usually end up in tears by the end of sacrament meeting because I can't keep a handle on my young kids.  Luckily I know the church is true, and I have such a strong desire for my children to know the same.  Every week is a battle and a struggle, but We can all leave uplifted and hopefully have a better week the next sunday.  Zach and I took the kids to the temple last week to practice being reverent.  We took them through the visitors center, and they actually did really well.  Today I took another try at sitting in the Chapel with  my kids...we only lasted about 5 minutes.  I am happy to report, however, that after we moved to the couch in the hallway, Jocy stopped crying and was amazingly ok with sitting in her car seat, and Railynn and Logan sat quietly on the couch most of the time.  I dont know why moving to the couch would make such a difference, but it really did.  Next week I will try again to sit in the chapel and hopefully one day I can stay for a whole meeting!  I am grateful for the testimony that I have to know that the CHURCH IS TRUE!!!  It keeps me going to church every Sunday!    

                                                      The kids in their sunday best!  :)


Lissa said...

I'm impressed! 3 blogs in 1 day! You're getting to be a regular! Hahaha! Tell me if you like this background or not. If not, I have a few other for you to try. Let me know. Love ya!

McDougal Family said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! For most of our marriage Mike had to work on Sundays and so I would always be by myself at church with the kids (Thank goodness we sold that business!!!) I can't tell you how many times after church I would call my mom and literally cry and ask why? What is the point when I am in the hall the ENTIRE 3 blocks of church? But she always reassured me that things would get better and that it was setting a good example for the kids of going to church every week - no matter what! And you know what? She was right!

Andria said...

yeah, if I had to go by myself, I dunno. It's crazy hard.

Unknown said...

I have been doing the exact same thing for 10 years now. It doesn't get any easier. Sorry.
I guess we just have to wait for them to grow up.